If your current nutrition and fitness plan was giving you the results you desired, then you wouldn’t be looking for something else, right?

My group program The FASTer Way To Fat Loss, is different from all other programs because you get specific, easy-to-follow nutrition and macros education that will show you how to fuel your body properly, coupled with the exact exercises that help burn fat and build lean muscle.

  • Are you looking for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss that you can actually maintain?

  • Are you feeling like your hormones, and weight, have changed dramatically in mid-life and you don't know what to do? Or what you used to do isn't working?

  • Are you tired and sluggish, and feel that you don't even have the energy to keep up with life?

  • Are you ready for a change but not sure where to start?

The FASTer Way is is a 6- week online program with weekly group coaching that will give you all the tools you need to transform your health, mind and body!  We use cutting edge proven strategies  like intermittent fasting and carb-cycling, paired with whole food nutrition and quick 30 minute workouts.  It truly is the best most sustainable, straightforward plan to burning fat, gaining energy and seeing results.  No more deprivation or exhaustive cardio!  

The FASTer Way is the way to creating a healthier, sustainable lifestyle.

FASTer Way Pillars of Success

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is NOT a diet, it’s simply an eating schedule where you give your body the chance to rest, burn fat and recover internally to produce a wide range of health benefits

Whole Food Nutrition

We focus on fueling our bodies the way nature intended, in their most natural state.  Whether vegan or not you need to be consuming mostly Whole Foods.  But there is a right way to do it, one that fuels your body and doesn’t deplete it. One that helps you achieve your goals without deprivation.

Carb Cycling

Carb Cycling is a powerful way to burn fat by using it for fuel instead of carbs.  When you practice carb cycling, you integrate some lower-carb days with regular carb days in order to turn your body into a fat burning machine.

Quick Workouts

You DON’T need hours of cardio to see results.  Instead you need the right exercises that are going to help you lose fat while building lean muscle (which we now know is the organ of longevity, so yes please!).  We provide all the exercises for you, whether you enjoy working out from home, gym, or want modified versions.

I'm ready...what happens now?

  • Register for my upcoming round


  • I’ll send you a welcome email with first steps, your new client guide, links to download the app, and more.  You will also receive an email from our corporate team welcoming you to the FASTer Way.

  • Spend some time reviewing the new client guide, which has sample meal guides (regular and vegan), explanation of program strategies and tips for success.

  • Officially get started on the date you signed up for and start seeing results! We will have a kick off call and then I will be with you every step of the way.

Want to chat 1-on-1 about your health goals?